SEO or search engine optimization is a term that gets thrown around like a ragdoll and especially locally in Sacramento, CA. Every site on the Internet claims to be an expert on how search engine optimization works, but few have taken the time to truly understand how Google spiders scan the web and what methods of website design and online marketing work hand in hand to create a website that will eventually end up on the first page of Google. For this why not rely on Google Certified, Google Partners in Sacramento, CA.

Search Engine Optimization |
While there are some niches that are underexposed (and therefore it is very easy to climb to the top of Google), crowded niches are going to take some time and considerable effort. Making this climb requires skill and knowledge that few website designers in Sacramento can offer. You can rest assured that Twin Flames Media has devoted significant time into not only figuring out how search engines work, but mastering the ability to leap frog over sites to create a visible online presence.
Search engines are becoming more and more intelligent every day. While flooding the internet with backlinks used to be and is still somewhat the best way to promote a site, too much can cause the site to lose ranking because the links are registered as spam by the search engine programming. Once a site is flagged as a spamming site, it will be lost in the search engine abyss forever.
Our search engine optimization philosophy ties into every aspect of our websites from their design to their social networking presence to every line of content that is written. Your business should not be optimized for only one aspect of your niche, but for every possible search that is related to the products and services that you are marketing. This takes time and effort that requires a true partnership that features constant interaction, input and feedback from both parties.
A solid search engine optimization ranking is not going to happen overnight. Look at it as the same process of building a skyscraper. There must be a solid foundation that is created before anything else. Once the foundation is in place, the building can be erected with an appearance that turns heads and finally, the inside of the building is finished to create a space that people are dying to get into. Without every aspect being perfect, the building is just one of many. Tied together perfectly, it will be something that gets noticed by everyone. Search Engine Optimization is an art form in and of itself. It takes a true understanding of how the “machine” works in order to be able to manipulate it in your favor. By using a solid search engine optimization approach that mimics the exact way that search engines work, your site will gradually climb the ranks and get rooted on page one. We are not in this with you for a quick appearance on the front page. We make sure that when your site shows up on Broadway, you make a run that would put Cats to shame.